May 2015

Is it my authority?

Is it my authority?

I am fairly new to the Lutheran Church, but the ordination of women is something that too, affects the wider Christian church. Like the other comments here, we have tried to distinguish the roles between the men and women. In Titus 2, we see women can definitely be teachers and leaders and in various verses throughout the NT everyone is encouraged to believe and share the Word of God, it doesn’t exclude women.… Read more...

Another gospel

Another gospel

The feminist movement has correctly diagnosed a dysfunctional society, but it has no answer to the problem except the passing of laws to prevent the above. So what is missing? The major missing link is: original sin, which is the root cause of that dysfunction.… Read more...

What does the Word say about equality

Looking at two Biblical quotations that appear to entertain a concept of equality: Gal 3: 28 – There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. For an analysis of how the text applies to the argument of Women’s Ordination in the LCA, refer to the paper in OWL Resources: ‘Gal 3:26-29 and the ordination of women (2005)’.… Read more...

Women’s Ordination

Women’s Ordination

The command of the Lord Jesus is that we don’t ordain women. This is a NO. Nothing we do or say can ever change the mind of God the Lord. He doesn’t say one thing in His Word that is a lie.… Read more...

Culture versus Word of God

Culture versus Word of God

If so many people want to over-rule a dearly held teaching in the LCA, surely they should be prepared to form their own new church with new ideas, and leave the LCA as it is – strong in doctrine, ignoring modern trends.… Read more...

Making sense of 1 Corinthians

Making sense of 1 Corinthians

Some thoughts on what the Scriptures say in 1 Corinthians (using TNIV). In Chapter 11: ‘Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonours his head. But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonours her head.’… Read more...

Marvellous journey forward

Marvellous journey forward

I believe that all Congregation in supporting to let Women give us our Liturgy, Sermons, and the Holy Sacrament in our Lutheran Church’s in Australia & New Zealand as it would help this Congregation in Hawke’s Bay in the future years to come.… Read more...

Feeling abused

Feeling abused

I am getting sick of feeling abused as I read letters to The Lutheran. Directly or by inference, many of those in favour of a male-only clergy ‘accuse me’ of being unfaithful to the Lutheran Confessions and the Bible because I believe we should be ordaining women.… Read more...

Restraining the Holy Spirit

Restraining the Holy Spirit

I write in response to the letters in the April edition of ‘The Lutheran’ regarding the ordination of women. I quote from the second letter published: ‘We must not attempt to interpret Scripture to argue what we think, but rather humble ourselves before the majesty of Holy Scripture and let the Holy Spirit be our only guide’.… Read more...

Pa & Son: an imaginary conversation

Pa, why don’t we have any women pastors like Aunty Heidi in Costa Rica? She is a Lutheran pastor. What if a woman gets called by the Holy Spirit in our church? A good question, son. I guess the powers that be feel that her call is not the real McCoy thing and won’t allow her to be a pastor.… Read more...
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