September 2015

OWL for Everybody is closed

OWL for Everybody is closed

OWL for Everybody was closed for posts and comments as at 9.00pm (Adelaide time) on Thursday, 24 September. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the conversation and for your active listening.… Read more...

Who are we to judge another person’s calling?

When 25 years of scholarly hermeneutics and prayerful study, debate and dialogue have provided no single answer, surely this is evidence that scripture does not prescribe who may or may not serve communities of Christian believers in pastoral ministry roles. This does not surprise me, since roles and structures in these communities were evolving throughout the time the gospels and epistles were being written, and for 100s of years thereafter.… Read more...

Truth and error

Truth and error

Thanks (tongue in cheek) to the CTICR for the 11th hour post concerning the response to question 5 “How is the gospel at stake in the ordination question?” This group exemplifies the unimportance that the LCA Leadership places upon the issue of the Ordination of Men and Women into the Office of the Public Ministry.… Read more...

Worth reading

Worth reading

This passage of Scripture is worth reading in the context of this discussion: 1 Timothy 3English Standard Version (ESV) Qualifications for Overseers 3 The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. 2 Therefore an overseer[a] must be above reproach, the husband of one wife,[b] sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.… Read more...

Are we a reformed Church?

Are we a reformed Church?

I have appreciated reading the various postings and uploads to OWL. They have expanded my learning of the Church and clarified my own thinking on the issue of Women’s Ordination. Yet, as observed on this Forum, there are two distinct perspectives still in play.… Read more...

Call to suffer

Call to suffer

Brothers and sisters, we ought to be confident that God not only sets the plumb line of Women’s Ordination as a test but also he has provided the deliverance which he promises us by saying ‘My yoke is easy and my burden is light (Matt 11:30)’ and ‘No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone.… Read more...

C.L.T – Creative Lutheran Tension

C.L.T – Creative Lutheran Tension

It’s always there saint / sinner law / gospel (but please always end with the gospel – otherwise I am left to my own resources and that is despair! lonesome death) Jesus the Christ welcoming women / choosing 12 men. Which side do I see saw down on?… Read more...
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