August 2015

Have you considered . . . . . . . . ?

I have just taken a brief look at the two contributions listed under “Digging a little deeper” today. While I have not yet digested them in detail, I cannot help but be heartened by this voice of concern from a sister in Christ.… Read more...

Unsure, but Concerned about the ‘Against’ Position

I come from a position that is still unsure what the Bible teaches on this matter. What concerns me the most though is the ‘against’ position which makes reference to the warning ‘If he ignores this, he himself will be ignored.’… Read more...

A Contradiction?

A Contradiction?

Why are we not talking about the church as a whole? It is God speaking and doing the ordaining and this seems to be divorced from the discussion. So how is today’s feminist interpreter – male or female – able to discern what is authoritative for the church if he or she can seriously accept something as absolutely authoritative i.e.… Read more...

A praying church

A praying church

Greetings to all. Thank you Lord for our church. I am, we are blessed through her, frail and flawed as she, and we are. This matter of WO perplexes and we fling wisdom mingled with desire into the ‘respectful dialogue’. Mmmm..Lord… Read more...
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