OWL for Everybody

Just as God’s Word does not change, regardless of the era, so too the way we receive our Lord’s teaching does not change.  He gives and we receive. (Cf Ephesians 4: 11-16, Constitution 6.1 “The Church acknowledges that Jesus Christ is its one Lord and Head, and that all power and authority exercised by the Church must be governed by his will as revealed in his Word.”).… Read more...

Women are the church too

As a Pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the America. We have had women Pastor since our founding in 1989. It has not hindered the sharing of the Gospel since our existence. I urge you think of the many women in Gospels and Paul’s letter who proclaimed the Gospel.… Read more...

Gender inequity on our patch

Change is not easy, and brings fear, uncertainty and insecurity. The prospect of women’s ordination is no exception. Congratulations to the LCA for encouraging this debate. It requires strength, courage and wisdom from the leadership: nationally, regionally and in every congregation.… Read more...

Psalm 1

Read the first verses of Psalm 1 – “Blessed is the one who walks not… but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night… he is like a tree planted by streams of water…that yields it’s fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither…” Check it out and search your heart – is there an answer here for our consultations?… Read more...

Significant omission

My pertinent question after reading through the material posted on the LCA by OWL  is that there appears to be a significant omission in all the pro’s and cons of this contentious issue.  I’m wondering if you can enlighten me why none of the papers presented even discusses marriage, God’s created order, gender roles the distinct difference between male and female, authority in marriage which is imagery of the Jesus bridegroom/church as the bride etc.… Read more...
Many people have heard about Noah, either as an historical person or as a fable, depending on one’s world view. However not many seem to have heard of the other Noah mentioned in the Bible. My concordances don’t even mention her in their lists.… Read more...

A failing temple

When the Jews wandered the desert, seeking the Promised Land, they carried their place of Worship with them (the Tabernacle). When the Jews settled in Canaan they sought a more permanent dwelling place for the Ark of the Covenant and constructed the first Temple in Jerusalem.… Read more...

OWL for Everybody is closed

OWL for Everybody was closed for posts and comments as at 9.00pm (Adelaide time) on Thursday, 24 September. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the conversation and for your active listening.… Read more...
When 25 years of scholarly hermeneutics and prayerful study, debate and dialogue have provided no single answer, surely this is evidence that scripture does not prescribe who may or may not serve communities of Christian believers in pastoral ministry roles. This does not surprise me, since roles and structures in these communities were evolving throughout the time the gospels and epistles were being written, and for 100s of years thereafter.… Read more...

Truth and error

Thanks (tongue in cheek) to the CTICR for the 11th hour post concerning the response to question 5 “How is the gospel at stake in the ordination question?” This group exemplifies the unimportance that the LCA Leadership places upon the issue of the Ordination of Men and Women into the Office of the Public Ministry.… Read more...
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