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The following guidelines are offered as an aid to members of the LCA as we again engage in dialogue on the question of the ordination of women. They address that attitude among us which will create and maintain the best possible climate for full and open dialogue.… Read more...
The Lutheran Church of Australia’s (LCA) Ordination Dialogue Group was called together by the President of the Church in 2011. This was an outcome of the 2009 LCA National Convention of Synod which asked for a more consensus based approach after 20 or more years of debate on the Scriptural arguments for and against ordaining women.… Read more...
Am I willing to engage in respectful discussion with those with a different opinion from me, instead of wanting to impose upon them my point of view? Am I able to do this? In my heart, do I regard those who disagree with me on this topic as my brothers and sisters in God’s family, brought together by His grace?… Read more...
Since the initial release of the ‘Ordination. We’re Listening’ materials earlier this year, some of you have been asking for a basic guide to running a dialogue session with the people of your congregation or ministry. This guide is based on the work of the LCA’s Ordination Dialogue Group.… Read more...
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